Farms, breeders, farmers and artisans
They are passionate with their job and in love with their products, daily we are directly delivered with their products.
We are proud to work with them and proud of their products quality, we are telling you everything about their origin:
Fiers de travailler avec eux, fiers de la qualité de leurs produits, on vous dit tout sur leur provenance :
- Beef : Race Aubrac exclusivement (Aveyron)
- Mountain pig raised on the farm (Haute Loire)
- Lambs from Aveyron, Lozere and Cantal
- Guinea fowls and chickens are from Alice’s and Quintard’s farms (Aveyron and Cantal)
- Eggs are from hens raised in open air (Aveyron)
- Mountain milk and cream (Cantal and Haute Loire)
- Cheese (Jura, Savoie, Cantal, Aveyron, Italy)
- Fish (selected by our wholesalers)
- Fruits and vegetables are from farmers (from the entire France depends on the seasons)
- Extra virgin olive oil from cooperatives (Spain)
- Wine : independent winegrowers